Recorded by C. Jones 2003
Habitat: Swamplands of Northern Midwest United States
Emotional Eater
Attributes: friendly, loving, cheerful, snuggly, slow runner
Endangered Status: Unusual
The Sworgator is an unusual magical creature who is on the ASPMC’s “watchlist”. Populations of this beautiful beast have been declining since the cultivation of its habitat around the Great Black Swamp of Michigan, Ohio and Indiana around the 1830’s. Though much of the area to the east, south, and north of the Sworgator’s habitat was settled in the early 19th century, the dense habitat and difficulty of travel through the Great Black Swamp delayed its development by several decades. If it had not been for this, the Sworgator might be entirely extinct! As it was, a road was constructed through the swamp in 1825, and was overlaid with gravel in 1838.
One would think, as an emotional eater, the encroachment of humans on the land would be a boon for Sworgator populations! However, the so-called Toledo War (1835–36) was a great catastrophe for the species. Michigan and Ohio militias entered the swamp, full of raw emotion and intending to fight. Instead soldiers from both sides met scores of Sworgators, who feasted on the extreme emotions of the soldiers and dangerously overate in the process. The Michigan and Ohio militias never came to battle and returned to their homes, claiming that they were unable to traverse traverse the swamp. Almost 1/3 of the Sworgator population was lost to overeating.
Today, Sworgator populations are closely monitored by magicecologists from Tufts Magischola, proudly funded by the ASPMC. Research scientists are required to undergo meditation training before entering the field to ensure controlled emotions as the Sworgator seems to have no ability to control its appetite.