Recorded by R. Lane 1982
Habitat: Terrestrial, forest
Attributes: fuzzy, pudgy, generally lovable
Endangered Status: common
Few can resist the sweet, fuzzy, big-eyed charms of the dagnabbit. The biggest concern for the ASPMC of course, is keeping the dagnabbit in its natural, wild habitat. Due to their sweet, loving natures, there is a startling trend among the magical community to capture and domesticate these magical creatures. Be warned. Not only is this bad for the dagnabit populations, it also has negative side affects to the human population. Throughout time, people have tried to domesticate the dagnabbit but it is shockingly resistant to captivity. While it will appear to sweetly acquiesce to living in your warm home where it is well-fed with plenty of toys, before long you’ll find your favorite wand chewed-through, your best robes mussed and covered with fur and hear it “halloooom-ing” at all hours of the night at any little sound it hears with absolutely no respect for your sleep schedule, even when you have a big meeting early the next day.
Trust us, the dagnabbit belongs in the wild.