Welcome to the American Society for the Protection of Magical Creatures!
The essential task of protecting the wild creatures of our magical world is a sacred calling for witches and wizards everywhere. By entering this, our new, non-magical “technological” website, you state your intent to help us with the important work of preserving and protecting the magical ecology. Welcome, member, to our noble cause!
Here are some prime examples of the exceptional magical creatures that our organization works to preserve and protect. Perhaps under “INVESTIGATE”, you will find a worthy mission, yourself. At the ASPMC, we speak for those who cannot. (Unless we find that they actually could but just had very strong regional accents.)
The Southwestern Gamalama was brought back from near extinction thanks to the hard work of ASPMC members in the 1970s
The Binaural Batcoon has unique auditory abilities being studied by researchers from Tufts Magischol in collaboration with the ASPMC
Magical creatures such the Hydrovoltaic have evolved to benefit from human-populated habitats like hydroelectric power plants

“We hope you will join us in preserving, researching and protecting the magical ecology!” Latin Motto I’m getting help with TBD
- Carol Hemenway, ASPMC Board President